7 free keyword research tools for business.

Reaching the right audience is not easy because you need to know which keywords they are using. That’s why you should leverage this list of 7 free keyword research tools. That can solve you the main problem of your business which is the targeted traffic. Reach your right audience means more free targeted traffic, leads, sales and profits.

Many businesses struggle to get online traffic because the competition is very hard. This can harm your business too, if you don’t research for the right keywords that your audience use in their research.

Why keyword research is crucial for your business online?

Keyword research is a must-need for any business because it can help you to increase your website traffic, get you sales and profits and then take your business to the next level. So you get all these great benefits for free. That is the power of good keyword research.

You get unlimited target free traffic to your site for a long time that generates you more profits, builds you a powerful email list and grows your business.

Do you imagine how much money you save and time?

Good keyword research worth to do it the right way. Because it’s the basic element to optimize your business for search engine – SEO.

According to stats:

  • $79.27 billion: The estimated amount brands and agencies in the united states will shell out for SEO services in 2020.
  • More than $5,000: The monthly amount the majority of businesses are spending on SEO.
  • 76% of people who search on their smartphones for something end to visit a business within a day.
  • 90% of consumers used the web to find a local business.

So these stats let you to focus on SEO because it’s very profitable.

What are these 7 free keyword research tools you should consider?

1- Google Search Console – Powerful free keyword search

GSC is a great tool to find the right keywords that your users use to find your business. This helps you to target these keywords through offering useful content and services that your audience needs.

All businesses use the Google Search Console to analyse their business data and find out which terms visitors use to search online. That can provide you with huge information, if you know how to use this unique tool. You can just go to your GSC account and click on the Performance tab and look for Queries that have more clicks and impressions. Update the pages and includes these queries within them but makes it normal by adding more useful content that help your visitors.

This is just one strategy which you see what will happen within 30 days. But there are much more strategies you can use to leverage the GSC tool. Which you can learn online for free or get good SEO courses in Udemy.

2- Google Trends – Perfect free keyword research tool

Google Trends is another free keyword research tools you should use to find trending keywords for your business. Because it offers great keyword suggestions that can help you to reach the profitable audience for your business.

This great google keyword research tool offers trending keywords, related queries and related topics for a given term for free. That rank your content better and save you more money and time. And it’s easy to use, you don’t need any high level skill or experience.

3- Google Analytics – Best keyword research tool

Google Analytics is powerful marketing tool. That all businesses and marketers use everyday to find and analyse the website’s data. This great SEO tool offers you all insights you need to optimize your website and then grow your business.

You have many great options you should analyse in Google Analytics such as:

  • Audience Tab: Your audience interests, demographics, behavior, technology they are using…
  • Acquisition Tab: All your traffic, Search Console, Social, Campaigns…
  • Behavior Tab: Site Content, Site Speed, Site search….
  • Conversions Tab: Goals, ecommerce…

These are some Google Analytics options, you should focus on to grow your business. Because it’s a must-need SEO tool for your business. You can learn everything you need about this free tool online. You can just search for free courses on Udemy or YouTube channels that offer free elearning classes and videos.

Really, Google Analytics is best free keyword research tool you need to optimize your website. That increase your traffic, your sales and your profits.

Google Analytics is a goldmine for your business. Just, learn and use it to grow your business.

4- Google: People Also Ask – Free keyword explorer

Google offers you more suggestion for free in People Also Ask section. That gives you more opportunities to explore other terms and then reach easily your right audience. This section provides really deep questions that people use in their search.

In every search, Google and Bing offer People Also Ask section to help businesses to find their audience and then grow. This means search engines want you to find your real audience because this helps also search engines to provide the best user experience on the web.

So don’t forget this section, when you create your content. Take it in consideration and use the keywords that provides. It can improve your website’s traffic.

5- Google: Related Searches – More free keywords

Related Searches is another free keyword explorer that all search engines offer for free. These free keywords are very crucial for your business. Because they answer the people’s objections and questions. That search engines want you to include within your content.

So add these related searches to your content, if you want free targeted traffic for your business. That generate you unlimited leads, sales and profits.

6- Google ad planner or Google Keyword Planner

It’s Google keyword research tool which you use for free. You need just a gmail account and then you get all Google ad Planner features such as search volume…

keywordplanner is a goldmine for you to get the trending keywords for your niche. That helps you to get free targeted traffic to your website and then more profits. Because Google gives you the real searches that people use to search online. Which makes it easy to reach real customers.

So keyword planner is great free keyword tool that provides unlimited trending terms for any business. That’s why you should use it because it can take your business to the next level.

7- Amazon keywords from Amazon Search Bar

Amazon search bar provides you free keywords that can generate unlimited free website traffic to business. This traffic is very profitable because it send you real leads and customers that search for your product or services. Because Amazon keyword research gives you the terms that people tape to search in Amazon for their desired product. Which offers yo profitable traffic for free. You need just to offer the best product or service to convert this free site traffic into sales and profits.

Amazon keyword research is very useful for ecommerce businesses because it helps them with the trending terms that customers use to search for the products they want.

So you should use Amazon keyword research as well to find keywords that your users tapes in their journey to get their needed products.

Amazon is the biggest ecommerce platform in the world. This means there are unlimited opportunities to market your business.

According to stats:

  • Over 200 million customers subscribe to Amazon Prime worldwide.
  • 147 million American subscribe to Amazon Prime.
  • Amazon Prime video had 175 million user in 2021.

So don’t miss this platform because it worth the work and the profit is huge. You can use this tool to find the profitable Amazon products to purchase or sell to your customers.


These are 7 free keyword research tools you should leverage to find unlimited free keywords that your users type in search engines. These tools are crucial for your business. As they provide trending keywords and marketing data that you can use to grow your business fast. Also, these keyword research tools save you more money and time to find the right customers for your business.

Don’t miss these unique keyword tools.

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Now, which keyword research tool will you use for your business?

Free Keyword Research Tools

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